Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Rules Management - Rule Sessions

Rule Sessions allow multiple users to work in the rule application simultaneously.

The Rule Sessions tab displays an overview of the active rule sessions in Rules Management, and provides the ability to release a lock on a particular rule, or an exclusive lock on the rule application, if necessary.

The grid in this tab displays the following columns of information for each active rule session in Rules Management:

Column Description
Name Displays the name of the user who has a session in Rules Management.
Session Type

Displays the type of rule sessions. The rule application supports the following session types:

  • Exclusive
  • Editing
  • Saving

For more information on each session type, please see the Understanding Rule Sessions section of the Rule Authoring topic in this guide.

Start Time Displays the date and time that the rule session began.
Rules Displays the Category, Entity, and Name of each rule locked by the user. If a user has a lock on more than one rule, each rule is listed in the column, separated by a comma (,). 

The buttons in the top of the tab allow users to perform the following actions:

Button Description

Provides the ability to end a rule session for a user. By default, this button is disabled. If a user has access to Rules Management, the button is enabled upon selecting a row for an editing or saving session. To end an exclusive rules session, the End Exclusive Rule Authoring Session permission must be set to Change for the user.

This permission is set under the Collections category of the Permissions tab in System Management > Users, or System Management > groups > Security Groups.
Prior to ending a rule session, it is recommended to inform the user about the action, as he or she is unable to save or edit in the rule application once the session ends. If a user is active in the rule application when his or her session ends, an error is received upon saving, or trying to access any rules in Rules Manager to inform that the session has expired. Rules can be accessed, but only in read-only mode.
Provides the ability to refresh the information in the Rule Sessions tab.



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